Septic Installation Process

Septic Installation Process

Process for Septic Replacement / Installation

  • Get the soil borings done by a licensed soil scientist. The Health Department can provide a list of the licensed soil scientists in their county. 
  • Once the soil report is received, you must take that to the county Health Department. Each county has its own paperwork. Complete the paperwork and pay the required fee.
  • The Health Department will take the soil boring report along with the information you provided and generate a specification sheet / letter, stating what needs to be installed. The specifications of what is to be installed are determined by the local Health Department, not the installing contractor.
  • In order to provide an estimate, we must have a copy of the soil report from the soil scientist and a copy of the specification sheet / letter from the Health Department. If you have a diagram of the existing system that is installed at the property, it would also be very helpful for us to have as well. If the project is for construction of a new home, we must have plot plan showing the location of the house.

Digging Soil with Excavator Truck — Plymouth, IN — Creed Septic System Specialist

Process for Septic System Installation For New Construction

Are you planning to build your home? Creed Septic System Specialists can help you with the septic system installation. Depend on us for professional and on-time system installation. We can also work with your building contractors!

Important Things to Consider Before Building a New Home

  • Get a soil boring test before buying the property
  • Get system sizing specifications from the local health department
  • Construction traffic should be kept in mind while choosing the designated system area
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