Let Us Help You Maintain Your Septic System
Maintaining your septic system is also essential for it to perform its best. • Pumping your septic tank is the single most important thing you can do to protect your septic system. A septic tank should be pumped every 2-3 years depending on the amount of water being used in the home. Contact the professionals at Creed Septic System Specialists.
Septic Efficiency Advice
- Do no more than two loads of laundry a day.
- Repair all leaking toilets and leaking faucets quickly.
- Do not park or drive vehicles or other large objects over your septic system. This may compact the soil and reduce its ability to treat wastewater.
- Avoid planting water-loving shrubs with deep root systems or trees near the filter bed. Roots can damage the pipes or clog the filter system.
- Water from sump pumps, roof leaders, yard drains, etc. must be discharged away from the septic system area.
- Always wipe cooking oils and grease off plates, pans, and skillets before rinsing / cleaning them in the sink.
- Be familiar with where your septic tank and system is located. A copy of what has been legally installed on your property can be obtained by contacting your local Health Department.
Do Not Dispose of These Personal Hygiene Products by Flushing
- Baby wipes or “flushable” wipes
- Paper towels
- Condoms
- Tampons/sanitary pads
- Cigarette butts and filters
- Coffee grounds
- Cooking oils and greases
- Toxic chemicals