Call Us! 574-784-2942
Serving the Michiana Area Since 1950
Quality Mound Systems
High-Performing Mound Systems
Because acceptable soil conditions are not always found below the surface, building a mound above ground allows the soil conditions to be properly constructed.
Mound systems were developed to overcome three natural conditions:
A site that has any one of these three situations (or a combination of them) is not suited for a conventional, gravity fed system.
A site that has slow or fast permeable soils, a high-water table, and / or shallow soil cover over creviced / porous bedrock is not suitable for a conventional, gravity-fed system. The mound systems were developed to overcome these three natural conditions.
Since ideal soil conditions are not always found below the surface, constructing a mound above the ground allows the soil conditions to be properly fabricated. Call the professionals at Creed Septic System Specialists today!
Creed Septic System Specialists
Mailing Address:
1733 Oak Road
Plymouth, Indiana 46563
Phone: 574-784-2942